Soldier Besieging Popular Banex Plaza In Abuja, Slaps Female Civilian Into Coma

By Damilare Adeleye

One of the military personnel besieging the popular Banex plaza in the Wuse 2 area of Abuja, has reportedly slapped a lady into coma.

It is understood that the plaza has been occupied by troops of the Nigerian Army days after thugs beat up some soldiers who had a disagreement with a trader.

It was reported soldiers accosted the lady who crossed a barricade at the plaza. The lady was trekking on the barricaded road when she was stopped by soldiers.

After asking her some questions, one of them slapped her heavily and she collapsed, according to reliable reports.

She, however, was rushed into a van which sped off the scene.

It is unclear if she was being taken to the hospital for medical attention.

Meanwhile, traders have been counting their losses over the military action, which they said could have been resolved without the lockdown.