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PTF: OBJ clears Buhari of corruption

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, yesterday, said the report of the probe panel he set up when he held the sway as the president of the country did not indict the Presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), General Muhammadu Buhari of any corruption while he was administering Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF).

Obasanjo, however, said the probe panel discovered that, Buhari-led PTF was inconsistent in its policies, saying other probe attempts on the activities of the former Head of State 'was immaterial.'

The former President who stated this while playing host to Buhari who visited him at his Hilltop residence in Abeokuta as part of his campaign for his presidential election, disclosed that he had to cancel all his engagements to host Buhari.

The APC Presidential candidate who was accompanied by his running mate, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, the party's National Chairman, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun, National leader of the party and former governor of Lagos, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, former Chairman of the party, Chief Bisi Akande, former Chairman of the People's Democratic Party, Bernabas Gemade, former governor of Osun State, Olagunsoye Oyinlola, former Governor of Ekiti State, Segun Oni and the host governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun was in the state as part of his presidential election campaign.

While receiving Buhari who arrived his house around 11:20am, Obasanjo said his path and that of Buhari had crossed on many occasions.

According to Obasanjo, the two related closely when Buhari was Federal Commissioner for Petroleum.

Obasanjo said: 'Another thing that I want to say, when you were going to become manager of PTF, we talked about it and when you finished and I took over, we looked into it again.

''When we looked into it, there was really nothing amiss except that, that organisation went from road building to mosquito net buying and all sort of things.

'Although there was an investigation, its report was not of any material importance. I thought that I should say it today that I have this opportunity because I hope people will face issues rather than trivialities.'

 While speaking on the disagreements he had with Buhari over his presidential ambitions, Obasanjo disclosed that he and the APC Presidential candidate had exchanged a lot of letters since he began the political journey especially for 2015 election.

He said: 'Our paths have crossed on a number of occasions and when I was told you are coming to Ogun State, I wasn't sure whether you will come here or not. But I told my boys; whatever programme we have outside Ogun State for today, let us shelve it just in case Muhammadu, his party and his team decide to visit us.'

'You will remember when you decided to contest, you wrote me a letter. And I replied your letter. When you became the flag bearer of your party, you wrote me another letter. I replied your second letter because I believe that you have honoured me by writing and I should of course reciprocate by also responding to your letter.

'You have kindly underlined what I want everybody to remember; that I am a card-carrying member of another political party. But I have always said that party or no party, what is paramount for me is Nigeria.

 'I will beg of you to add infrastructure development on your agenda. It's very important. You may take it as part of economy but I will take infrastructure as special and give it special attention. For all political parties that are trying to woo us to vote for them in the coming election; let's go away from trivialities, let's face issues and tell the people of this country what we will do to deal with these crying problems of our country.

In his remarks, Buhari who also had on his entourage, his wife, Aisha; wife of former Ekiti State governor, Bisi Fayemi among others pledged not to be dictatorial if he is elected as the President of the country in the coming election.

Buhari said he had made a lot of efforts to woo Obasanjo to APC but, did not succeed, describing Obasanjo as most experienced leader in Nigeria. - Vanguard.

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