Home › Opinion       September 9, 2022

Expediency Of Telling Every Calculated Propaganda Against Peter Obi’s Presidential Candidacy To The Marines

Peter Obi (Presidential flag bearer of the Labour Party (LP)

As Christians, there is no denying the fact that there is a spiritual war being waged in the hearts and minds of Nigerians, particularly those that are qualified to vote and be voted for. This war is unpatriotically been sponsored by those that are in support of a government that is clueless by using partisan newspapers, television, radio, and all other types of media, particularly social media to propagate lies against the person and candidacy of Mr. Peter Obi, the presidential flag bearer of the Labour Party (LP) ahead of the 2023 general elections. While Nigerians continue to pray to God for him to raise a messiah for Nigeria, and which has been found in Obi, Satan is unarguably using any method to try and win, and further throw Nigerians into another round of hardships that have been biting hard on them since 2015 when the ruling party, All Progressives Congress (APC) fortuitously displaced the People Democratic Power (PDP) from being the ruling party.

Contained amongst the many tactics used by the Obi’s traducers is the tool of “propaganda.” While people can engage in propaganda either knowingly or unknowingly, it is important that we are able to identify it, so that we will not be deceived! This warning becomes indispensable as propaganda is been used by some politicians and their rowdy followers against Obi to perpetuate their already tried and tested party to power again to the detriment of Nigerians as a people and Nigeria as a country. Without any iota of exaggeration, this is what some politicians and their supporters are doing ahead of the upcoming general election to deny Peter Obi the opportunity of revamping Nigeria’s economy.

In 3 John: 9-10 there is a blueprint that evil men have used throughout the ages to obtain and hold on to power. It’s a two-step method and it goes like this:

They attempt to discredit their closest political opponent and control the political environment of the people over whom they wish to gain power. They become this mischievous to separate and isolate those that do not belong to their political camp, especially those who pose as threat.

Against the foregoing backdrop, there is no denying the fact that Mr. Peter Obi, former governor of Abambra State, who emerged as the 2023 presidential candidate of Labour Party (LP) after winning the party’s presidential primary election held at the Orchid Hotel in Asaba, Delta State, has become the target of propagandists that are affiliated to the other 17 registered political parties ahead of the 2023 general elections. Particularly of note in this movement of campaign of calumny against Obi are propagandist affiliated to the People Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC).

In as much as propaganda is allowed in the field of political communication for promoting a particular agenda or point of view, there is no gainsaying the fact that Obi’s traducers are mischievously using it to mislead Nigerians to the detriment of a new Nigeria which everyone is hoping to witness come 2023 and therefrom. As bad as the country’s economy coupled with the unprecedented level of insecurity across the country is, not few Nigerians in the Christendom are praying with the word of God that is inherent in Nahum 1:9 that says, “What do ye imagine against the LORD? He will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time. Without any iota of exaggeration, Nigerians have been groaning under the weight of affliction since 2015 when the APC became Nigeria’s ruling political party.

Without resorting to misinformation in this context, Obi’s traducers have been convincing not few gullible Nigerians that Obi does not have what it takes to lead Nigerians to the Promised Land they have been yearning for. They have mischievously chosen to be propagating outright lies and falsehoods, and thus encouraging them to see him as unfit to become Nigeria’s president. To buttress the foregoing view, it is expedient in this context to make reference to one Mr. Sam Omatseye who in his column in the Nation’s newspaper depicted Obi as a shelter for miscreants, saying, “Obi has turned out to be an excuse for even closet Biafrans to betray open emotions about Biafra without being accused of it. This includes intellectuals who did not show mercy to him while he reigned in Anambra as a pharisaic chief executive. It is like wearing a colour beneath another colour. Obi has become a shelter for both miscreants and activists of the crowd.”

In fact, prior to the publication of the much-criticized and condemned article, the partisan writer who is also a poet, novelist, and playwright that is hiding under the cloak of Journalism profession, has been holding sway as a propagandist.

To Obi’s traducers, propaganda techniques are very effective as it gives them a wide leverage to drag their target in the mud, and by that diminish his chances in the political market space. Against the foregoing backdrop, they are wont to resort to the use of Ad hominem which simply means “If you can’t win the argument, attack the person”. In this context, “If you don’t have a people-oriented issue to campaign with, attack your closest political opponent. “

Another propaganda technique is Ad nauseum which simply means “Put out the message over and over again until you want to vomit!” It entails drilling it into people’s heads until it becomes a second nature to them. They are optimistic that once it is hard-wired into a person’s brain, they will act accordingly, even if it is complete balderdash! After all, Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda is reputedly credited with the saying "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

In fact, since Obi threw his hat into the ring, ahead of the 2023 general election, he has seemingly not had the respite to put his political traducers through as it appears they have literarily been blinded by partisan politics to lend their ears to him on how he planned to turn the economy of our great nation. Thank God, he was widely criticized that he lacks a winning political structure, and has been able to talk sense into their heads.

In his reply to those that were taunting him by trumpeting that he has no political structure, he was sincere in a statement where he told them that he will prove his doubters wrong. The statement from Peter Obi reads: “Whenever I hear of NO STRUCTURE, my answer to it is simple; the 100 million Nigerians that live in poverty will be the structure. The 35 million Nigerians who don’t know where their next meal will come from will be the structure.

“The elderly, our mothers, fathers, and the old ones dying or being owed gratuity/pension will be the structure. ASUU; the lecturers that are being owed, and the students who are not in school will be the structure.

“We will create the structure, and they will see what the structure is all about. The structure is about human beings.”

Be that as it may, to this writer, it is expedient of those that are bent on soiling the reputation of Peter Obi to always tell their calculated propaganda against Peter Obi’s presidential candidacy to the Marines.

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