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Goodseed Daily Devotional 19th June 2024

Apostle George Amadi & Pastor Chika Amadi (Lead Pastors: Goodnews Bible Church, London)


SCRIPTURE: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32.
Our anchor Scripture reveals that the revelation of mysteries is a guarantee of liberty. Knowledge is a sponsor of liberty. There is something you will know that will terminate your captivity or bondage.

Bondage is a child of ignorance. There is something you are not aware of that is keeping you in bondage, but once you know it, the bondage is over.

Now, one way to dissolve mysteries is by maintaining a desperate desire for Knowledge.

The destiny of every mystery is revelation.
Puzzles, secrets, enigmas and unsolvable questions of life are unveiled by a desperate desire for knowledge.

Hosea 6:3 says,
Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.

From this passage, we understand that anything you follow on to know in life, you will know it. Anything you desperately want God to show you, He will show you. If you make up your mind to know why things are not working out in your family, God will show it to you.

Therefore, for mysteries around your life to be demystified, there must be a desperation for knowledge in your spirit; there must be restlessness in your spirit to know the hidden secret that is responsible for all negativities around your life.

Press for knowledge for the dissolution of every mystery around your life.

Ask God to show you relevant and specific revelation that will keep you in perpetual victory.

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for showing me a key to dissolving mysteries. I ask for a specific revelation or knowledge that will sponsor the dissolution of every mystery around my life, in Jesus’ Name.

Goodseed Daily Devotional is the publication of Apostle George Amadi- Senior Pastor Goodnews Bible Church London. If you are in the London area do worship with us at Alperton Community School Ealing Road, Wembley Middlesex HA0 4PW.

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