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Goodseed Daily Devotional 28th June 2024

Apostle George Amadi & Pastor Chika Amadi (Lead Pastors: Goodnews Bible Church, London)

SCRIPTURE: When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? MATTHEW 16:13.

It has been established that your character affects your destiny. How you are perceived determines how you will be received.

That must have been the basis for Jesus asking His disciples in Mathew 16:13, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?

The question is: when your name is mentioned, what comes to people’s mind? When people mention your name, is it dishonesty, arrogance, pride, lying, seduction, unfaithfulness, deceitfulness, or lack of commitment that comes to their mind? It affects how you fare in this life.

When you walk through people, what do they think about you? Your character affects your destiny; it determines how far you can go in life.

Proverbs 22:1 says,
A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

Good name will do for you what money cannot do.
I like you to do a deliberate work on yourself to enhance your perception and positive identity. When your name is mentioned, people should perceive faithfulness, dependability, reliability, humility, sincerity, honesty, commitment, etc.

Whenever your name is mentioned and people begin to think positively about you, then your future is guarantee.

You know, many young people are yet to be married because when they walk around people, what comes to mind is arrogance or pride.

Some people are unable to reach their destiny because whenever they come around people, what they perceive is disrespectful, rebellious, unfaithful, uncommitted attitude.

Beloved, remember that your character affects your destiny. Your name goes where you haven’t gone, your reputation travels ahead of you. Before you get to a place, people have already heard about you; they have already known you because of what they may have heard about your character.

By all means, make up your mind to live right. Refuse for people to perceive negative things about you when your name is mentioned. Ask God for the grace to develop and deploy positive character and quality.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask for the grace for both the development and deployment of positive character. Help me to live right so men can perceive the right things about me, in Jesus’ Name.

Goodseed Daily Devotional is the publication of Apostle George Amadi- Senior Pastor Goodnews Bible Church London. If you are in the London area do worship with us at Alperton Community School Ealing Road, Wembley Middlesex HA0 4PW.

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