Ayinla And Adesina: The Umbilical Cord And The Foetus

By Folorunsho Fatai Adisa
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When the Department of Mass Communication, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta was to takeoff in 1979, it had the likes of Drs Sina Julius Aina ,Sulaiman Osho , Dr Kola Adesina, Mr Bidemi Osunbiyi, Mr Ayinde Soaga and others too numerous to list here as its guinea pigs: these group of people would later become scholars and bigwigs in the Nigeria Communication industry. While people like Mr Soaga chose the newsroom, — he made his marks in NTA and was a former General Manager of OGTV— the likes of Dr Aina (practised with the Champion Newspapers) and Professor Osho (who was with The Punch and Sketch Newspapers) chose the classroom. A class of stellar stars.

Of paramount interest here is Dr Kola Adesina. He is an excellent hybrid of the newsroom and the classroom as evidenced by his compelling credential— A Former Managing Editor, African Concern Magazine, London, UK; Former News Editor, West African Magazine, London, UK; Oxford and Cambridge RSA Examinations Board, UK etc. Dr Adesina’s knowledge is as overwhelming as his startling level of amiability.

Last week, I was invited to Crescent University by this Communication warhorse, and I honoured the invitation today. Our main subject of discourse was the enigmatic Ayinla Omowura. Incontrovertibly, as of today, Dr Adesina is the encyclopaedia of anything Ayinla. Little wonder that fascinating and fine filmmaker, Tunde Kelani had to consult him on many aspects of the life of Ayinla, all of which has manifested into the biopic, AYINLA, that we all are enjoying today.

As a redoubtable researcher that he is, Dr Adesina has been researching the life and times of Ayinla and his Apala group for over 30years. It is unsurprising that he knows almost every of Ayinla’s songs line by line. He considers it a sin to know Ayinla as much as he does without loving him. Since he has taken his time to study and understudy him. The succour he derives from listening to Ayinla is like the strength the foetus gets from the umbilical cord. To him, Ayinla is a philosopher, a public affairs analyst, a social crusader and socialite and so forth.

Well known for his intellectual depth, academic dynamism, tremendous courage and abundant physical energy, Dr Adesina would always appreciate creativity, reward diligence and encourage excellence. A number of his ex-students like Messrs Jonathan Olajide, Waheed Ogunjobi, Idris Katib etc had told me this and I have just confirmed it too. A man of transparent honesty and unblemished integrity whose influence is being felt within and outside the walls of the Department of Mass Communication, Crescent University.

He commented on Ayinla’s incisive use of metaphor, imagery and his racy style of music amongst other things. We both agreed that in Ayinla was the point where music met with griping dance steps. One can’t but agree that Ayinla’s music is the concatenation of diverse elements, ranging from his rich rhythm, his deep immersion in Yoruba metaphysics and wisdom, all of which are resident in his ability to situate his songs in the happenings of his immediate society at that time, current affairs.

The saying goes that a man of success achieves his goals but a man of significance changes his world. If there are people who understand the difference between the two, Dr Ibrahim Kola Adesina,HOD, Mass Communication, Crescent University, is at the forefront among them. He could have chosen to research on Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Elvis Presely etc. But for the love of culture and in order to fulfil the true essence of researching— filling up a gap of knowledge(what has not been studied or researched on that particular topic/subject/content/person)— he chose the Eegunmogaji of Egbaland, AYINLA OMOWURA.

Overall, Crescent University is lucky to have this avatar of knowledge in its service. And I am sure that by the time this modest scholar is done with the Department of Mass Communication in CUAB, his prodigious administrative acumen, robust intellect, keen vision, transparent honesty and the sheer capacity to organise men and materials for outstanding results will turn the department to a dazzling star— of course it is already manifesting as some of the products of the department are doing commendably well in the field.

It was an evening well spent with Dr Kola Adesina. A bibliophile.

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