In Nigeria, President Don’t Resign: “He Fights For It, Grab It And Run With It”

By Isaac Asabor

There is no denying the fact that since former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar broke his silence on the certificate of President Bola Tinubu that the media has been agog with calls been made by individuals and groups that Mr. President should tender his resignation letter even as some with democratic mindsets have continue to opinionate that he should be impeached by members of the National Assembly.

In fact, the last few days have remained a period of careful consolidation for the news industry that has been both disrupted and galvanized by Tinubu’s certificate crisis. Both journalists and audiences have, to some degree, been ‘burnt out’ by the relentless intensity of the news agenda, alongside increasingly polarized debates about the propriety of his being in power. Without sounding exaggerative in this context, this could be the period when journalism takes a breath, focuses on the basics, and comes back stronger as no Journalist is expected to be unprofessionally biased or encumbered by primordial sentiments as the betterment of the country remains the bigger picture while covering and publishing stories that surround the propriety of the president to remain in power.

Against the backdrop of the foregoing outlooks, it is expedient to recall in this context that the National Democratic Coalition (NADECO), a pro-democracy group, has issued a statement demanding the resignation of President Bola Tinubu in light of allegations related to certificate forgery at Chicago State University (CSU) and other alleged fraud issues.

The call for his resignation was made by the Executive Director of NADECO in the USA, Lloyd Ukwu, who emphasized the importance of integrity and adherence to the rule of law in the office of the President of Nigeria.

For the sake of clarity, and particularly for the benefits of readers that were not born at the time NADECOcontinually left its footprints on Nigeria’s political landscape, it is expedient to state that the coalition was known for its advocacy of democracy, transparency, and accountability in Nigeria.

In a similar vein, the United Action Front of Civil Society has issued a seven-day ultimatum to the president, demanding both an apology to Nigerians and his immediate resignation, warning that failure to do so would, according to the group, warrant the National Assembly to initiate an impeachment process against him.

As been expressed, and to reiteratively put, the ultimatum follows the expose of alleged forgery and perjury related to his academic records from Chicago State University (CSU).

The civil society group expressed outrage and embarrassment over the situation, emphasizing the need for accountability and transparency in leadership.

Hamisu Santuraki, the spokesperson of the CSO, conveyed these demands through a statement released on Friday. The group’s statement highlighted the longstanding speculations surrounding President Tinubu’sidentity and academic history. It pointed out that as governor of Lagos State, his background had been shrouded in opaqueness, and previous false claims on official documents had not been adequately addressed.

Specifically, the CSO stated, “It is rather unfortunate that the Tinubu Chicago Gate exposé has now confirmed the longstanding speculations regarding the identity of Bola Tinubu.”

As widely known, and as deposed by the Chicago State University, Tinubu falsely claimed to have attended Government College in Ibadan and also forged the CSU diploma certificate he presented to INEC for the 2023 presidential elections. The group asserted that President Tinubu’s alleged actions amounted to a serious breach of the law, including perjury and forgery. They cited constitutional violations and called for immediate action.

On a personal note, permit this writer to opine that anyone or group calling for Tinubu’s resignation is unarguably on a wild goose chase. The reason for the foregoing view is that it seems we have forgotten a video that trended in December 2022 ahead of the Presidential election that was held earlier this year where Mr. Tinubu was seen giving the charge to some top party operatives in London.Without doubt, the video which was posted online while he was in the United Kingdom after attending a Chatham House engagement speaks volume.

As conveyed by the video, Mr. President, then as an aspirant was heard bragging that “Political power is not going to be served in a restaurant. They don’t serve it a la carte. At all cost, fight for it, grab it and run with it”, and in that vein somewhat charged some top party operatives in London to be confident about his emergence as next Nigerian President.

At this juncture, it is expedient to make reference to what someone once said that "What a man says in the past will always define him”. I must confess that I once doubted the assertion, until I placed it in the context of a name that is common among Ika-speaking people in Delta State. The name “Okwuonyeche” simply means “A man’s past words wait for him in the future”. You may have wondered, and asked, “How accurate is this.” Well, let’s leave it for another day.

Come to think of it, a presidential candidate for an election that was scheduled to hold in early 2023 in faraway Chatham House in the UK urging his supporters to grab power and run with it leaves much to be desired. Could it be that the words that were flagrantly uttered in Chatham House is finding expression in the ongoing political impasse? The foregoing question, no doubt, is the question which not a few political analysts and observers are asking.

In fact, it beats this writer hollow to hear that some individuals and groups are urging Mr. President to resign. I can’t get it. “In Nigeria?” I asked no one in particular. The reason for the foregoing reaction cannot be farfetched as Nigeria is not UK where Liz Truss was recorded in political history to have resigned without being forcefully prodded. No! In Nigeria, they grab power and run away with it. To recap the foregoing, it is expedient to recall that Liz Truss who was UK’s Prime Minister resigned last year following a failed tax-cutting budget that rocked financial markets and which led to a revolt within her own Conservative Party.

Still in a similar vein, it will be recalled that Richard Milhous Nixon, the 37th President of the United States on the night of August 8, 1974 made an announcement of his resignation to Americans informing them that he will resign as the President of the United States at noon today; the next day being August 9. Sequel to his announcement, the Vice President Gerald R. Ford of Michigan was penciled to take the oath as the new President at noon to complete the remaining 2 1/2 years of Mr. Nixon's term.

You might have wondered why he resigned. The answer to your question cannot be farfetched as it is recorded in political history that after two years of bitter public debate over the Watergate scandals, President Nixon bowed to pressures from the public and leaders of his party to become the first President in American history to resign.

"By taking this action," he said in a subdued yet dramatic television address from the Oval Office, "I hope that I will have hastened the start of the process of healing which is so desperately needed in America."

Having shared much view on this issue, it is germane to urge those advocating that the president should resign to perish the thought, and disembark from the horse they’ve been riding on in their wild goose chase as it is obvious that in Nigeria, a president don’t resign. Rather, “He fights for it, grab it and run with it”

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