Customs Assistant Comptroller-General Visits Lagos Airport Cargo, Apapa Command

By Damilare Adeleye
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The Assistant Comptroller-General of the Nigeria Customs Service, Bello Mohammed Jibo, has paid a working visit to Murtala Muhammad Airport Cargo and Apapa Command as part of his statutory functions of overseeing the command's activities as the Zonal coordinator.

During these separate visits, the Zonal Coordinator was welcomed by the Customs Area Controllers including Comptroller Mohammed Sani Yusuf and Comptroller Babajide Jaiyeoba, together with their senior management team.

According to a statement released by SC Akaniyene Edeminam, Zonal Public Relations Officer, the ACG was impressed by the recent achievements of the commands, charging them to be more punctual, upright and dedicated to the Service in discharge of their responsibilities.

“The ACG reminded officers of the CGC’s policy trust which are consolidation, collaboration and innovation, and went further to advocate for promotion of stakeholder's engagements for an improved trade facilitation and revenue collection.

“The senior officers of the zone were also advised to ensure proper mentorship of their subordinates most especially the middle cadre personnel. He charged the senior officers to be role models, source of inspiration and motivation to the younger ones, most especially as regards leadership and management,” the statement read partly.

The ACG further engaged and encouraged the examination officers at the terminals on effective supervision and proper examination of cargoes professionally.