Goodseed Daily Devotional 23rd June 2024

By Good News Bible Church London
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Apostle George Amadi & Pastor Chika Amadi (Lead Pastors: Goodnews Bible Church, London)


SCRIPTURE: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 TIMOTHY 6:10.

Our anchor Scripture reveals that the love of money is the root of all evil. To love money is to engage in evil practices. People do terrible things because of their love for money.

For example, people with the love of money and who are into business can sell fake goods in thier shops in order to increase their profit margin. That is evil money.

Some people re-set the meter of fuel pumps at filling stations so they can sell less fuel for more money, and buyers are unable to spot the difference. That is evil money.

Furthermore, some people empty other people’s bank account through fraudulent and deceptive means via internet banking and other satanic means- that is evil money.

Moreover, some people remove the original expiring date in some goods in thier shops and place a new expiring date on the product and unsuspecting buyers will buy not knowing that the goods have expired. Money gotten through such means is evil money.

You know, the money Judas Iscariot made from selling Jesus Christ was evil money.

Some people steal money from their places of work, and others steal money even from the church.

Some people borrow money from friends promising to pay back and when the time to pay back comes they refuse to pay or come up with false explanations why they cannot pay- money gotten through such means is evil.

Beloved, by all means, avoid the temptation of engaging in dubious practices to get money. By all means, refuse to indulge in evil practices.

Trust God to deliver legitimate wealth into your hands. Find a work/job to do and be diligent in doing it.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You deliver me from the love of money. I receive the grace to love You above everyone and everything, including money, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

Goodseed Daily Devotional is the publication of Apostle George Amadi- Senior Pastor Goodnews Bible Church London. If you are in the London area do worship with us at Alperton Community School Ealing Road, Wembley Middlesex HA0 4PW.